
We offer business and financial literacy classes

kid business class

Requirement for Kid's Business Class (6-12 years)

Requirement for Teen's Business Class (13-16 years)

Our program utilizes a holistic approach to ensure knowledge transfer and that the right attitude, behaviour, and habits are encouraged.

Our goal is to ensure that every child becomes financially literate and included and begins to harness their potential, either as an entrepreneur or a skilled professional, hence we have developed an Early Entrepreneurship and Employability Learning Track.


For admission to Kidpreneur Africa’s business class, the child must be willing and eager to learn.

Business Classes

Financial Literacy Class

Our Academy is for kids between the ages of 6 and 15.

Our admission is twice a year, in May and August.

Your child will become part of the Kidpreneurs Community, receive one on one mentorship, internship opportunities, and qualify for nomination as a Kidpreneur Ambassador.

All classes are virtual for now.

Our yearly Kidpreneur Conference and Ambassadors Award, KidBIz Fair, and Kid Skill Fest are physical events.

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